Bring healing to children around the world one ATTA time by providing short and long term life essentials to those dying from preventable diseases.
Back in August of 2013 Sean Kappauf visited his sponsored child in El Salvador. As he spent time with Bryan and his mother he found out that all the children, including Bryan, had worms due to their poor drinking water.Sean was motivated and decided to do something about this crisis. In February of 2014 Sean and a team of others went back down to El Salvador, trained up young leaders in the community on how to be leaders of positive change. Then those young leaders distributed 50 water filtration devices into the homes of where the children lived.The trip was a success, young leaders were trained, children received clean water, and the local community was filled with hope.Noticing the huge impact the leadership training had on the young kids, the communities having clean water, and the children’s health improving, Sean decided that we need to be able to do this in other areas around the globe.
In April of 2014, One ATTA Time was birthed as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization. With the hope to bring healing to people around the world.