The Drive logo t7doBvo1_400x400|The Drive logo wide|Steel surface with traces of grinding machine

Best Portable Water Filters: Decontaminate Your Drinking Water from The Drive

The Drive logo t7doBvo1_400x400|The Drive logo wide|Steel surface with traces of grinding machine

Best Portable Water Filters: Decontaminate Your Drinking Water from The Drive

Best Portable Water Filters: Decontaminate Your Drinking Water from The Drive

Best Portable Water Filters: Decontaminate Your Drinking Water from The Drive

Best Portable Water Filters: Decontaminate Your Drinking Water from The Drive

Best Portable Water Filters: Decontaminate Your Drinking Water from The Drive

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Best Portable Water Filters: Decontaminate Your Drinking Water from The Drive

An ideal portable water filter eradicates pathogens and particles from drinking water

Water is necessary when camping or hiking, but you usually can’t carry a lot of it at one time. That is why you need a portable water filter. This device purifies natural water, eliminating all pathogens and particles and rendering it safe for consumption. In this guide, we picked the best three portable water filters on the market.

See the full review by Robert Kimathi on The Drive's website here:

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