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Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

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Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

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Backpacker: The Best Insect Repellents

Whether you’re hanging out in the backyard, taking off on an adventure, or simply going to work, we’ve gathered 3 of the best options for protecting yourself against those pesky insects. With varying application methods, ingredients, and durations of coverage, there are a number of reliable mosquito repellents to consider. To find your new go-to insect repellent, take a look at how these three solid selections measure up against each other.

See the article by Gregory Serrano on Backpacker Magazine's website here:

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